VoIP Telecom provider serving Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire

April 9, 2020

Cove Central is now a Maine Green Power company

In an effort to preserve Maine’s natural resources and protect the environment, Cove Central supports the Maine Green Power program.

Over the years, Maine Green Power has sourced renewable energy among the following Maine projects:

  • Rumford Falls Power

  • Otis Hydro Project

  • Rollins Wind

  • Fog Hill Solar

  • Maine Tidal Energy

  • Mattaceunk Hydroelectric Project

  • Bingham Wind

The goals of the program are:

  • To support the growth of local renewable energy thru creation of local jobs

  • To support Maine renewable projects and innovations

  • Making a difference by lowering electricity-based carbon footprint

The Maine Green Power is a program committed to the values that reflect who we are as an organization in the state of Maine.

About Maine Green Power

Maine Green Power is a voluntary program that provides Mainers with the option to support the growth of local renewable energy — creating local jobs, encouraging sustainable innovation and preserving our state’s natural beauty by purchasing renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Maine renewable energy projects on the supporter’s behalf.

About cove central communications

Cove Central is proud to be part of the Maine community leading the way on sustainable business practices, supporting local green energy and helping to reduce carbon footprint in the state of Maine. Its corporate office expansion plans include installation of smart lighting to power their office with an Alexa-integrated mobile app. These smart LED bulbs offer the lowest energy consumption as they use 75% less energy consumption than traditional incandescent office building lighting.

Internally to us and externally to our customers, Cove Central uses POE (powered over ethernet) phone system solution. POE means phones can be powered over a single Ethernet cable eliminating the need for separate electrical wiring and power outlets, which in turn, delivers up to 50% electricity savings to the customer compared to traditional (legacy) phones. In addition, Cove Central chooses its vendors thru a network of award-winning providers who are members of the EPA’s Green Power Partnership with at least 100% renewable energy and up to 300% green-powered energy.

Cove Central Communications is a provider of hosted and on-premise unified communications and collaboration solutions. We empower today’s mobile and distributed workforces to be connected anywhere and on any device in one platform. We provide support to organizations with 5 to over 1,500 users in New England.