Redefining Unified Communications
Cove Central helps organizations with business phone systems using VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol or also known as Voice Over IP). We help you build a whole new system or use your existing infrastructure and devices to integrate them with various Unified Communication solutions. Whether on-premise or cloud, we take the extra step in aligning your end users with their call flow thru the following solutions:
Auto Attendant, voicemail messages, audio and video conferencing, SMS texting, Chat/team messaging, contact center integration, fax options, intercom, paging between multiple buildings or locations and integrating systems from one or multiple platforms
Access your messages in your office, remotely from anywhere, connect with multiple facilities, on your computer or any mobile device
Supplement wireless connections in your facility and multiple buildings, offices or locations
Install and integrate secure IP cameras
Deploy in Windows, NT, Linux, Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud (your network or our cloud network)
Integrate all of your communications platforms with iOS, Android, Outlook, Salesforce, HubSpot and more!
VAR Partner Program
The business climate of Managed IT has gotten more involved and complicated. Managed IT Providers are finding themselves the central point of technology solutions to their customers. Between the day-to-day network issues, security concerns, cloud upgrades and IoT (internet of things), the average IT manager is inundated with many moving parts and pieces that make business operations up-to-date with today’s remote work-from-home and multi-platform communications. Then there’s VoIP. One entity on its own that will need to be integrated with every business of this post-Covid modern age era.
Our Value-Added Reseller Partner Program has been our most successful sales channel. We provide different levels of partnership that will suit the reseller’s best strengths. We take care of this piece for you that works with your current users’ network infrastructure and without having to reinvent your operational procedures. In the end, we make you look like a hero!
Find out more how Cove Central provides support for Managed IT Providers.
Maine Office:
Fort Andross Mill Complex
14 Maine St. Suite 200
Brunswick, ME 04011
Sales & Service:
111 Speen Street, 2nd Floor
Framingham, MA 01701
Western Reserve Building
1468 West 9th St. Suite 100
Cleveland, OH 44113
Channel Sales:
2202 N. West Shore Blvd. Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33607
Demo Showroom:
5 Depot St. Suite 12
Freeport, ME 04032
Support Line: 877-881-2352
multiple locations
Our services are based on open standard PBX. We have partnerships with multiple OEMs worldwide including 3CX and Vodia, that provide us access to development level technical support. Our global access allows us to support organizations with multiple US locations, remote and mobile staff, satellite campuses, and international offices. As certified partners, we have over 15 years managing and supporting network infrastructure in health care organizations, educational institutions, retailers that have multiple locations, as well as small businesses with staff on-the-go.
hybrid solutions
Whether you’re trying to connect your legacy phone system to an IP network, or want a dedicated PBX on your premises using wireless connections, we provide various hybrid solutions customized to every need of any customer. We can help you implement high speed wireless links to connect buildings across a parking lot or across town at speeds up to 10Gbps without the ongoing costs of dark fiber and other dedicated wide area network technologies.
on-premise dedicated pbx
Are you looking to replace your company’s outdated PBX? With our solutions, there is no need to worry about management and installation as the configuration is straightforward. Connect SIP trunks within minutes with pre-configured templates, plug-in an IP Phone or Gateway to your network for automatic configuration. Avoid interop issues with Cove Central’s tested IP Phones. Through the easy to use management console you can, create, edit and delete extensions and DIDs, upgrade your IP Phone firmware and reprovision & reboot IP phones on-the-fly. Deploy on existing Windows or Linux machines or virtualize on Hyper-V or VMware.
infrastructure design & management
Specializing in move-in, move-out, new installs and upgrades including working internally and externally with your electricians, cable and phone providers, IT and facilities managers, we can help you design your infrastructure and manage the project from start-to-finish.
cloud-based pbx
For the ultimate in reliability and connectivity beyond the capabilities of most organizations, we provide cloud hosting of your PBX. We deploy on Google Cloud, Amazon Lightsail, Azure, AWS & others. We can also integrate your CRM and advanced Unified Communications features, as well as smartphone and apps. We offer you more functionality at a fraction of the cost of other cloud solutions!
support & maintenance
We provide unlimited ongoing maintenance and support to meet the needs of your organization and your users. We use remote monitoring and management systems that allow systems to be monitored for hardware issues, security threats and decreased performance.